Ministry of Health, National Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development Nº FC 312.

Classification System for Suppliers to the Oil and Gas Industry (SICLAR) Nº 401022 (see stamp

Registry of Suppliers to the National Secretariat of Mining.

▪ Registry of Consulting Firms for the IADB and the World Bank - DACON.

Single and Permanent Registry of Suppliers to the Government of Buenos Aires City

▪ RePro Nº 420143 – International Registry of Companies that operate in the Public Services Sector. _Water, Gas and Electricity Sectors (see stamp image).


Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
Registry of Consultants for the General Directorate of Environmental Policy and Evaluation. Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

Province of Buenos Aires
Provincial Organization for Sustainable Development (OPDS).

Province of Chaco
Registry of Environmental Consultants, Subsecretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Planification and Environment.

Province of Chubut
Provincial Registry of Environmental Consultants. Ministry of Environmental and Control of Sustainable Development. Subsecretariat of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development.

Province of Córdoba
Registry of Scope Areas for Environmental Consultants.

Province of Corrientes
Provincial Registry of Environmental Impact Studies Consultants. Institute of Water and Environment of the Province of Corrientes.

Province of Jujuy
Registry of Consulting Firms in Environmental Impact Studies.

Province of La Pampa
Annual Provincial Registry of Consultants and/or Professionals specialized in Environmental Impact Assessment.

Province of Mendoza
List of consultants that deliver technical statements within the framework of Environmental
Impact Assessment procedures.

Province of Neuquén
Provincial Registry of Environmental Services Providers.
Municipal Registry of Environmental Consultants of San Martín de los Andes.
Registry of Environmental Consultants of the Municipality of Neuquén (Annex C).

Province of Río Negro
Council of Ecology and Environment (CODEMA), Ministry of Economy.

Province of Salta
Registry of Consulting Firms in Environmental and Social Impact. Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development.

Province of San Juan
Provincial Registry of Environmental Consultants.

Province of Santa Cruz
Provincial Registry of Professionals in Environmental Studies.
Provincial Registry of Professionals in Environmental Studies, Environmental Auditing Area of Hydrocarbon Storage Tanks Above Ground and By-products.

Province of Tierra del Fuego
Provincial Registry of Individual Consultants and Consulting Firms, Ministry of Production. Subsecretariat of Natural Resources.

Province of Tucumán
Provincial Registry of Environmental Consultants and Environmental Consulting Firms.

Accredited Partner of the Argentine-Canadian Chamber of Commerce.



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