Our participation in expositions and fairs, as well as in the organization of congresses, seminars and conferences on environmental matters, is part of our work experience. We have recently participated in: 

PDAC - Toronto, Canada
Since 2005, we participate in the Annual International Convention of the Prospectors and
Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) -in the Pavilion of the Argentine Secretariat of
Mining- that is held in Toronto, Canada, This convention gathers mining companies, services
companies and professionals from all over the world (picture 1).

III Expo 2010 – Engineering and Maintenance in the Mining Industry
Held in June 2010 in the city of San Juan and organized by Panorama Minero magazine,
Ambiental attended with its speakers (picture 2). 

Conference – "The truth about sustainable mining”
Organized by ISalud University, the Association of Solid Waste and Gerencia Ambiental Magazine.
We took part as advisors of contents, jointly with BEC law firm. The conference was held in November 2008 in the Auditorium of ISalud University, in Buenos Aires (Picture 3).

II Expo San Juan - A Development Factor of Argentine Mining
Ambiental delivered a presentation at this event which was organized by Panorama Minero Magazine in San Juan in May 2008, and addressed to the most important mining companies
in the country (picture 4).

World Fair of Municipalities and Health. Rights, Citizenship and Local Management for Development
It was coordinated, organized and conducted by Ambiental, who presented the Holistic Environmental Management Plan of the Municipalities of Andalgalá, Belén and Santa María in an
exhibition stand at the World Fair of Municipalities and Health. The fair took place in Buenos Aires
City, in August 2009 (picture 5).

Business Breakfast-Workshop on “Mining and the Environment” for Journalists and Social Communicators
The meeting was organized by ISalud University and the Association of Solid Waste, and held
in November 2009. Ambiental presented a paper on the subject matter (picture 6).

Congress: “Progress in the Knowledge of the Phanerogamic Flora of Bajo de la Alumbrera”.
_Province of Catamarca. Argentina. 2008.

▪ Symposium: “Sustainable Mining in Mendoza: A Challenge for the XXI Century”. Province of
_Mendoza, Argentina. 2005

▪ Workshop-Seminar held at the National University of Chile. Sustainable Development and
_Environment in Latin America. Dissertation at the World International Resources Conference. 1995

Workshop-Seminar on Environmental Assessment at the University of Trujillo. Republic of Perú.
_IOM-Argentinian Fund for Horizontal Cooperation. 1994.

Additionally, we have published several papers on scientific research and environmental
education, among other topics:

Work paper: Gold Mining as an alternative for stimulating sustainable development in Río Negro:
_from the comparative advantage to the competitive advantage. Argentina. 2005.

▪ Document on Mining and the Environment in the Argentine Republic, subject to the evaluation of
_social and community actors. Minera Aquiline SA, Patagonia Gold SA, IAM Gold SA, Alex Stewart
_Assayers. 2005.

▪ Basic Document for the Latin-American Seminar on Environment and Develop­ment. Chapters:
_Energy and the Environment. Considerations on Environmental Policy in the ´90s. Friederich
_Nauman Institute. 1990.

▪ Basic Document for Discussion ‑ International Meeting on Energy and the Environment.
_Argentinian Institute of Energy “General Mosconi”. 1988.

▪ Document on Federalism and Regional Development. Chapter: Environment and Development.
_Federal Council of Investment. 1987.

▪ Environmental Impact and Management. Experiences and Scope in the Argentine Republic.
_ECO-PAHO. Pan-American Center of Human Ecology. 1985.

▪ Handbook for the Assessment of Environmental Impact and Health. In Collabora­tion.
_WHO-ECO. Pan-American Center of Human Ecology. 1980.

We provide assistance and advice on how to best prepare for delivering presentations at Public Hearings, a process in which projects are evaluated by the citizens and the enforcement authorities before its approval. All registered speakers can make contributions and suggestions. Our last presentations have been:

Environmental Impact Study of Malaspina Wind Farm
Camarones, Province of Chubut. January 2009 (picture 7).

Environmental Impact Study of the Gas Pipeline Crossing in the Strait
of Magellan
Province of Tierra del Fuego. September 2008 (picture 8).

Environmental Impact Study of La Deseada Wind Farm Project
Pico Truncado, Province of Santa Cruz. March 2010 (picture 9).

All projects subject to Public Hearings are identified as such in the “Detailed References” section
of our brochure, available in this website (
click here ).



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